On The Road With GUNS N' ROSES Bassist Tommy Stinson; Video Footage From Argentina Online

May 28, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard guns roses

GUNS N' ROSES bassist Tommy Stinson checks in with the following update:

"I'm writing to you from Bergen, Norway! Sorry it's been a while, I've been busy getting ready for this next Guns tour. This time around we're hitting Scandinavia, and I'm going to Russia for the first time!

I mentioned a live video chat in my blog, well I'm working with my team to try and set this up to happen in the next couple weeks, wherever we can find the best internet connection out here.

Also, my t-shirts are almost ready, so keep your eyes peeled for an e-mail about that. Lastly, we're close to announcing the Haiti fundraiser that I mentioned in my blog. Lots of exciting stuff coming up, peoples.

To keep you entertained in the meantime, click here to see a video of some of my adventures in Argentina on the last tour."

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