MASTERPLAN Guitarist Roland Grapow - "I Want To Deliver Quality"

June 15, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news masterplan

In a new interview with LoudTrax, MASTERPLAN guitarist Roland Grapow discusses the band's new album, Time To Be King, his time with HELLOWEEN, and how producer Roy Z changed his life. The following is an excerpt:

Q: How important was it for the band to have vocalist Jorn Lande back in Masterplan?

A: "Like I said I was very inspired. I was feeling like the Masterplan camp was back. Not because of anything against Mike Di Meo. He’s a great signer and a nice guy but the chemistry between Jorn and us is special. The German power melodic writing with the Helloween influence and experience I have with Jorn from Norway. It’s quite an interesting kind of magical relationship. I think whatever we touch sounds great.

Even in Europe they have some younger bands that’s trying to copy our style, which I think is not possible. It sounds easy what we’re doing, it sounds so melodic, nothing spectacular, we didn’t make a new style. But I think how we’re doing it is pretty unique from my experience of the Helloween years and working with producers like Roy Z and Andy Sneap. I also take care of the whole thing. I am not the boss or anything, but let’s say the “engine of the band”. I don’t like when something is slipping away from the direction. You need some vision. Maybe it was coincidence that on the first album we made it right and I don’t want to change it anymore. I want to deliver quality. People can say you know what they want, but for me it’s quality what I am delivering. You hear one song of Masterplan and you’ll know it’s Masterplan. Thru the production and the vocals of Jorn."

Read the complete interview at this location.

Time To Be King

Masterplan's new album, Time To Be King, was released on May 21st via AFM Records.

The album has achieved the following first week chart positions:

Sweden - #15

Germany - #31

Switzerland - #45

Clips of six new tracks - 'Time To Be King', 'Blow Your Winds', 'Fiddle Of Time', 'Blue Europa', 'Lonely Winds Of War' and 'The Dark Road' - are now available on the official AFM Records MySpace page along with the full length version of the first single, 'Far From The End Of The World'. Go to this location to check out the songs.

Victor Entertainment released the album in Japan on May 19th with a bonus track.

'Far From The End Of The World' was released on April 16th via AFM. This advance release features a different mixing and master of three tracks by band leader guitarist Roland Grapow (ex-HELLOWEEN). The single features 'Far From The End Of The World' (single and album versions) and includes the bonus track 'Lonely Winds Of War'.

Time To Be King features the return of original Masterplan vocalist Jorn Lande (ARK, MILLENIUM), who was replaced for 2007's MKII by RIOT singer Mike DiMeo.

Far From The End Of The World

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