CATHOLICON Continue Work On New Album; Graphic Artists Confirmed

June 18, 2010, 14 years ago

catholicon news life in black

CATHOLICON's Blasphyre has issued the following update:

"As of the end of this weekend, Excommunicated should be complete with all principle guitar tracking for the new record and will then begin on bass. This project has been an exhausting labor of love, so much as been done, re-done, and re-done again just because it has to be perfect. I felt we've never worked so hard at anything before; but it has truly brought us all back full circle to remember why we loved this music.

As if this work were not enough to keep us occupied, we are also working on the CD and vinyl release packaging at the same time, and are proud to announce today the signing on of two artists who are old friends. Longtime collaborating artist Juha Vuorma will return once again, coming out of self-imposed band-art exile to work with us once again on a new commissioned piece. Juha, a longtime underground artist from Finland, created the cover art of Catholicon's debut album Lost Chronicles Of The War In Heaven back in 1997, and all in all created art for three out of the four CD releases by Catholicon.

Also on board is Jumali Katani, known to many just as Metal Artist. Jumali is fast becoming one of the bigger names in underground metal art right now; and we've worked with him in the past as well, particularly for the cover and slipcase art for Catholicon's final album, 'Of Ages Past', as well as some t-shirt designs in the final years of Catholicon.

Things are shaping up, and more exciting news and twists will come as time permits. We'll soon announce the actual recording lineup as well as guest performances that will grace the record. We apologize for not posting as often as we'd like; there just isn't time in the day to do all of these things and we have to stay focused on the one thing that matters (making a record). This is why there is no Excommunicated website yet, or merchandise, etc. First things first; but those things will come."

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