LITTLE CAESAR Vocalist Ron Young Discusses Redemption Album

June 29, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard little caesar

Sleaze Roxx has issued an interview with LITTLE CAESAR vocalist Ron Young, in which he discusses his band's first new album in 17 years, Redemption. An excerpt follows:

Q: It's been 17 years since Little Caesar last put out an album. After all that time how were you able to recapture the classic sound so well on Redemption?

A: "The thing is, the band has always done what the band has done. It was really the same guys and the same sensibilities and the same values -- the weird thing is, we've always just done what we've done and all the commotion that might go around that, depending how it's produced and how it's recorded, is really the only thing that could ever change. It's just a bunch of guys getting together with the same old sensibilities, only making music to make music. Not, what do we think people want to hear? What's popular now? How do we record something to get it on the radio? There was none of that. So it was really easy to continue the same chemistry and it just wound up being another Little Caesar record."

Q: Without a major record label to interfere I'm sure the recording of Redemption was much easier.

A: "Much easier and actually really, really pleasurable. We had a great engineer/co-producer in this guy Robin Holden, he's a really funny guy so he's great to be with. He's got great musical sensibilities, is really good behind the board and gave really good input, so it was great working with him. It was nice without someone standing there going, 'what does the corporation think that we should do' (laughs). None of that. It was like standing out there naked and saying, 'this is what we do, this is what it sounds like, this is what happens, here it is', and keeping all the other bullshit out of the way. It was really a pleasurable experience. It's really the first time that we ever got to do it."

Q: What was it like writing and recording with the old guys once again?

A: "It was great. We've been really close and throughout the years we would get together just to make music and never really did anything further with it. The way the whole thing came about was like, 'you know man, I'm really getting sick of playing these old songs - we really should write some new ones' (laughs). Then it was like, 'we've got all these new songs - we really should go and record them'. So that is the way it came about. Unlike a lot of other bands who are, 'well I lost my job at the shoe shop so let's put a record out and take it on the road' (laughs). There wasn't any of that going on, it was just, 'shit, may as well record this stuff'.

Read the complete interview at this location.

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