AEROSMITH Filming Footage On Cocked, Locked, Ready To Rock Tour Dates

June 29, 2010, 14 years ago

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AeroForceOne - AEROSMITH's Official Fan Club has conducted a new Q&A; with bassist Tom Hamilton. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

AeroForceOne: How was it touring South America? Any particular highlight moments for you?

Hamilton: "South America was just a stone cold blast. The fans were so enthusiastic. It really inspires the band and makes it easy to be creative. You can take bigger risks when the crowd's going nuts.

AeroForceOne: You recently played Donington to over 100k people. What was that like? Do you still get nervous before going on stage?

Hamilton: "We were blown away in the weeks before the gig by the news that more and more people were expected. I remember when we were in Sao Paulo, Brazil getting ready to go on I could feel a powerful connection between that night and the upcoming shows at Donington and beyond. On the night of the show in England I was really flattered by how many people stayed through a day of miserable rain to see us play."

AeroForceOne: You got a chance to hang out with Jimmy Page when you were in the UK – any particular story you could share about that?

Hamilton: "It was so great to see him at the show. We chatted about the Led Zep book by Mick Wal (he didn't seem to love it), It Might Get Loud (I think it was a delightful surprise for him), and JPJ's escapades with his current band on SNL. Later on stage it took at least a third of the set before I could get over the fact that he was there listening."

AeroForceOne: You’ve been filming a lot of footage while on this tour (check it out below)…the live footage you have is great as fans get to see the show from your point of view. What’s been your favorite part of the show/setlist?

Hamilton: "It's too hard to pick a favorite moment. I think 'Baby Please Don't Go' is a highlight because it so perfectly expresses the core of what we're about. On the other end of the spectrum is 'What it Takes'. No matter how many times we've played that song, there's always room to squeeze a little more emotion out of it."

AeroForceOne: You’re coming to North America in July – what can fans expect in terms of the setlist and show?

Hamilton: "I doubt the set list will be much different than what we've been doing in South America and Europe. We might mix it up a little but we've been having a great time with the structure we're using now."

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