GLYDER - "A Lot Of People Who Don't Understand Us Just Automatically Think THIN LIZZY"

July 1, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news glyder thin lizzy

Sea Of Tranquility recently caught up with GLYDER guitarist Bat Kinane to dicuss the band's new album Yesterday Today And Tomorrow. An excerpt is available below.

SoT: How would you describe the evolution of your sound?

Bat: "I think a lot of people who don't understand us just automatically think THIN LIZZY and GALLAGHER. Obviously they are big influences on us but you are right there is a lot more going on. I suppose with any band a sound evolves but I think it is not a conscious thing it's just natural. When you start off your influences are so clearly heard but as you mature you tend to find your own sound naturally. I mean that's the way I see it with most bands."

SoT: Your last album Playground For Life seemed to be a darker album, however Yesterday Today And Tomorrow is more akin to your debut, was this a conscience effort to stay true to your roots?

Bat: "Not really, the way we do it is we record what we have written and that's it really. I have my own quality control process here at my stage of writing and if I think a song's not good enough I won't even demo it, so what we record is only what is good enough for the album. We are not one of those bands that make 30 songs and choose the best 12 for the album. We aren't a Jam band either so whatever we record has been planned out in advance. With Glyder I don't think there is any real plan - we just do what we do and that's it. The reason that Playground For Life is dark is because that was a very dark time for us as a band and personally. That album for me was just hard work. YT&T; for me was a lot easier as I found I had a lot more inspiration to write. There are negative forces at work around me all the time and I have to ignore them. I think I prefer positive forces and positive people. Music is a positive thing and some bands are really dark but that's not for me anymore."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

BW&BK; scribe Aaron Small recently conducted an interview with Kinane. Check it out here.

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