CRIMSON GLORY - Excerpt From Exclusive BW&BK Interview Available, Three More Audio Clips Featuring New Vocalist Todd La Torre Online

July 8, 2010, 13 years ago

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Back in May, CRIMSON GLORY guitarist Jon Drenning introduced the band's new vocalist Todd La Torre, who replaces the band's original singer Midnight. Three new audio clips featuring La Torre's vocals over the original instrumental tracks of 'Masque Of The Red Death', 'Queen Of The Masquerade' and 'Angels Of War' are available below.

Midnight passed away on July 8th, 2009.

Drenning recently spoke with BW&BK; about choosing La Torre as the band's new singer. Following is an excerpt from the exclusive interview, with Drenning commenting on hearing La Torre sing for the first time:

“I was shocked, yeah. It came as a complete surprise because we were preparing for the ProgPower show, organizing these metal singers from around the world who had graciously offered their time and talent, so we really didn’t need another singer. Matt Laporte from JON OLIA'S PAIN dedicated his time as well to play guitar and dulcimer on the night because he and Midnight had been good friends, and he mentioned to me that he knew a drummer who was an aspiring singer. He said ‘I think he might be your guy.’ I told Matt there was no way. There were people from all over the world interested in auditioning, there was no way I was going to find a singer for Crimson Glory in my own backyard. Finding one Midnight was special enough. Finding another singer with those qualities in my own backyard again… what are the chances of that?”
“I blew it off and decided I wasn’t going to waste my time but Matt kept pushing me to check Todd out. Wade Black and my wife Danae were helping the band rehearse, but Wade wasn’t able to make rehearsals one night so I told Matt to call his guy. He did, but Todd didn’t know any of our music. He’d heard of Crimson Glory but he didn’t know the songs, had never heard one of our albums, and had no idea who I was. He downloaded a couple songs and learned them in the car driving over, so when he showed up he knew the songs half way, but he did a great job. Todd came in, this scrawny guy no bigger than Midnight, but he sounded great. Even more important, though, was he had a similar emotional quality to his voice that Midnight had. I was looking at the other guys in the band wondering if they were hearing what I was hearing.”

Watch for the exclusive interview with Drenning and La Torre, coming to BW&BK; this weekend.

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