LILLIAN AXE Guitarist Steve Blaze - "I'm Not Going To Let The Industry Or Society Keep Me From Doing What I Was Put On This Planet To Do - Make Music"

July 15, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news lillian axe's Robert Cavuoto has issued a new interview with LILLIAN AXE guitarist Steve Blaze. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Your new CD is a little darker and heavier than the commercial sound of Lillian Axe from the late 80s. Is that a natural progression or just the new direction of the band?

A: "When I first started writing for Lillian Axe, that was where my head was at and it was also what I was listening to at the time. I leaned towards what I liked and enjoyed. I wrote a lot of songs that were tongue in cheek and other that were more somber. I can honestly say that none of songs sound like the one before it. It was always about creating memorable songs. As we progress, get older, and more pissed off, I try to write things that get into people’s head and make them think. I try not to be too surface and get deeper. There is a place for fun tongue in cheek songs, but I have always been a fan of darker, heavier and more melodic songs. Even in the darkness there is a silver lining and these things can and will get better."

Q: Why continue to write and record when so many bands from your era just tour off their past hits?

A: "The reason that I started playing music was to move people. I’m not going to let the industry or society keep me from doing what I was put on this planet to do – make music. We can’t expect that the LPs I did 15 years ago will still be fresh and relevant. Our determination has been the key to our longevity."

Read the complete interview at this location.

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