STYX Guitarist / Vocalist James "JY" Young Discusses Regeneration: Volume 1 Album In New Interview

July 15, 2010, 14 years ago

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Doug Fox at the Daily Herald caught up with STYX guitarist / vocalist James "JY" Young back in May to discuss the band's forthcoming album, Regeneration: Volume 1. An excerpt from the story is available below:

"When you're trying to recreate the magic that you created 30 years ago, there's a whole lot that went into it in the first place that you now take for granted," he (Young) said. "When you go back and try to do it, you go, 'How DID we do that? What gear were we using and what gear was available for the engineer to use?"

Another factor to overcome in the project's completion is simple geography. With band members scattered across North America, Young said individual recording efforts took place in at least eight different studios. That's nothing like the old days, when "it's get the band together and we're going to do 40 takes until we get this thing right."

"At some point, with every new thing that you create, there's a point where you have to say it's time to let go of this and it sounds pretty darn good," Young said, in reference to the current project. "And yes, I'd like to hear myself more in this section, but the song seems to be working really well the way it is and so you have to subordinate your own sense of how you think you, as one of the trees in the forest, needs to be presented. It's something that seems like an easy thing on the surface, but it's a difficult thing."

When asked if the album might start appearing at summer concert dates in the next few weeks or if it will take longer than that, Young replied, "That's a delicate subject, and I have no idea."

Go to this location for the complete story.

As previoulsy reported, Regeneration: Volume 1 was produced by Styx and their long-time studio/live sound engineer Gary Loizzo. It contains six re-recorded versions of some of the band's classics and one brand new song, 'Difference In the World'. The six classic tracks are 'Grand Illusion', 'Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man)', 'Lorelei', 'Sing For The Day', 'Crystal Ball' and 'Come Sail Away'.

Styx plan to release the album on vinyl as well as on CD and digitally.

The song 'Difference In The World' is now available for free download at this location.

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