AIRBOURNE, AGE OF EVIL Featured On New Mars Attacks Podcast

July 23, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news airbourne age of evil

In the latest episode of Mars Attacks Podcast, host Victor M. Ruiz interviews AIRBOURNE rhythm guitarist David Roads, and AGE OF EVIL frontman Jeremy Goldberg.

Durring the interview Roads discusses the band’s success, the pressure (or lack thereof) when recording No Guts No Glory - the follow up to their highly successful album Runnin’ Wild. He also discusses his gear, and whether or not he has ever thought of joining lead singer/guitarist Joel O’Keeffe up in the rafters during a show.

Goldberg discusses Age of Evil’s EP Get Dead, their previous work with Marty Friedman (ex-MEGADETH) and their desire to work with various hard rock and metal legends including Rob Halford (JUDAS PRIEST). Goldberg also comments on what it was like touring with JON OLIVA’S PAIN, and what their dream tour would be.

The episode can be downloaded or listened to here.

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