BUCKCHERRY - Josh Todd And Xavier Muriel Discuss Tattoos

August 2, 2010, 13 years ago

buckcherry news rock hard

BUCKCHERRY vocalist Josh Todd and drummer Xavier Muriel recently sat down with Karen L. Hudson of About.com to discuss their tattoos. An excerpt follows:

Since they’re both so extensively covered in ink, when did they start getting tattooed? Josh said he actually tried to get tattooed at 16, but the shop carded him and refused to do it. So, he waited two years to finally get tattooed legally; he had two years to really think about what he wanted, so what was his epic first tattoo? Josh chuckled guiltily, “I was really hammered and I got a Betty Boop on my wrist that I have covered up. It was a horrible decision… I really regret it.” But he added wisely, “I think everybody who’s got a lot of tattoos has a cover-up story.”

Xavier, however, waited until later in life to get his first tattoo, losing his "tattoo virginity" at age 26. He also got something that meant a great deal to him – his family crest. How did he avoid the first-timer regret? “I had always looked up to guys in bands and bikers and whatnot, but I never figured out what I wanted and I didn’t want to go and do the flash art thing. So, I waited until I decided it was the right thing to do at the right time.” Of course, that doesn’t mean everything went as planned. He adds with a sardonic smile, “I was just gonna get one and… well, we all know where that went!”

To read the rest of the article, click here.

Buckcherry will release their new album, All Night Long, tomorrow, August 3rd.

The band's next show is slated for August 7th in Winnipeg. Manitoba. A complete tour itinerary can be found on MySpace.

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