QUEENSRŸCHE Vocalist Geoff Tate On Cabaret Tour - "We're Always Looking For Different Ways Of Presenting Our Music"

August 5, 2010, 14 years ago

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QUEENSRŸCHE vocalist Geoff Tate is featured in a new interview with Metal Assault. An excerpt from the dicussion is available below

Q: How's this cabaret tour going for you?

Geoff: "Good! It's a real fun show and I think we're booked till the end of October right now, so it's going good and we're having a good time."

Q: I believe you came up with this cabaret idea, right?

Geoff: "Yeah."

Q: So, how did you go about convincing the other band members? I mean, were they on board with it immediately?

Geoff: "Yeah, we're always looking for different ways of presenting our music and this seemed like kind of a fun way to perform a show and find space to work on the new album as well. We hope to have that out in spring. Our show is typically a serious presentation, visually and musically. We thought it would be nice to do something different and not so serious, so the cabaret idea was born. Everyone liked the idea, got on board and having a great time with it."

Q: Were you confident that the Queensrÿche fans are going to like this show?

Geoff: "Oh yeah, I think Queensrÿche fans are pretty open-minded to lots of different art forms and we like to challenge them as well and give them new interpretations of our music whenever we can."

Q: You also did a theatrical production for the Mindcrime II tour and also with this current tour. So would you say that theatre and Queensrÿche are pretty much inseparable when it comes to tours?

Geoff: "Yeah, we like to present ourselves in a number of different ways and the theatricality has always been sort of a part of what we've done and what we like. And yeah, we go hand in hand."

Go to this location for the complete interview. Check out the audio below.

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