AEROSMITH Drummer Joey Kramer On Tyler's American Idol - "It Could Do The Band A Whole Lot Of Good"

August 12, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard aerosmith

AEROSMITH drummer Joey Kramer spoke with Jay N. Miller from recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

On dealing with the drama: "“We love each other like brothers. And like brothers we sometimes fight and disagree, make up and get along. Amongst the five of us, it’s almost like a marriage – you have your ups and downs, and move backward and forward.”

The new Joey Kramer Hit Hard iPhone application: “I did all the playing on that, and it is all my voice, but we did that more as a fun thing. It’s not expected to be a big moneymaker or anything, but we were aware of the fact that people do like to try to play along.”

On Tyler as an American Idol judge: "I choose to look at that whole American Idol thing as a positive. It could do the band a whole lot of good – I can’t see how it couldn’t. It is admittedly a bit of a wild card, but if Steven wants to do it, more power to him.”

On the band’s 40th anniversary: "It is a long, long time. But I really feel as if we’re playing better than we have for quite a while. We’ve come out on this tour with mutual respect and regard for each other. . . . Everybody is on the same page, and we’re enjoying the shows. Playing live is the root of it all. That’s where it all started, and we’re having fun.”

Read the entire interview here.

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