AGENT STEEL Guitarist Juan Garcia - "Skeptics Apocalyse And Unstoppable Force Are Timeless Releases"

August 15, 2010, 13 years ago

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AGENT STEEL guitarist Juan Garcia, talked recently to Greece's Rockpages Web Magazine. Here's en excerpt regarding the longevity of the band and why they remained a fairly underground band: Your first two records are regarded as really important albums in the speed metal genre. Why do you think the band didn’t break in the mainstream and remained in the metal underground?

Juan Garcia: "Skeptics Apocalyse and Unstoppable Force are timeless releases. I think we had a legitimate shot at breaking into the mainstream at the time, but internal problems lead to the demise of the group in 1987 that's what really happened. When we reformed over a decade later in 1999 and released Omega Conspiracy it was like starting over; although we did have the support of dedicated fans from the past; at this point we are mainly underground; we do not have delusions of grandeur about becoming a massive metal band; most importantly we enjoy writing music, and touring."

Read the full interview here.

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