THERAPY? Discuss Forthcoming Live Album In Metal Express Radio Interview

September 1, 2010, 13 years ago

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THERAPY? are featured in a new interview with Norway's Metal Express Radio. An excerpt is available below.

Q: This year represents Therapy’s 20th anniversary. It’s incredible to think that this all started 20 years ago. How does it feel for you looking back on your career?

A: "It’s mad really and you do sometimes have to pinch yourself. I still perceive us as a 'new band' in our approach to things as we always want to do different things to move forward. We never do the same thing over and over again. Some bands seem to get to a certain stage where they just seem to take the easy option but that’s not for us as there’s always new things to try, places to play and new faces in the audience so that keeps the passion and interest going for us. With a band like RUSH you never know what they are going to do next but it always sounds like Rush. They are a very unique band and we like to keep evolving as a band too. I couldn’t imagine going into the studio and going 'Right!! What’s the formula?' I think with those bands that start just churning it out, that tends to happen very quickly. With Therapy that’s never happened, we don’t have any fixed formula. It’s not as though we sit down and say 'Let’s write something new,' it’s just in us to do that naturally."

Q: You’re going to mark this occasion with your first ever live album although you did release an exclusive web gig song/video download from your website a couple of years ago in 2007. Are you looking forward to getting this out there?

A: "The Web Gig was a bizarre thing that we did with cameras in a rehearsal room and filming that without an audience. In hindsight it was quite good fun to do but it wasn’t the same as having punters there. It’s was just us three in a rehearsal room. It doesn’t really translate that well although it was quite good fun at the time. This is our first real live album recorded in front of an audience so we’re very excited about it."

Q: Are you covering pretty much your whole history?

A: "We played songs right from our very first single, 'Meat Extract' right up to 'Exiles' which is our most recent single, so it’s pretty much spread across 20 years. We did a different set each night but some tracks that we knew we’d have to put on the album, our hits for want of a better expression, we played these two or three times over the three nights so we’d have a safety version of them. In all we recorded 40 different tracks and when we listened to them only two weren’t good enough to make the album. 'I Am The Money' from The Shameless album where a vocal effect back-fired horrendously and 'Lonely, Cryin`, Lonely' which I decided on the night to sing in totally the wrong key. We even tried to fix it but it just sounded like Alan Partridge singing it!! It was awful. All of the other 38 tunes will make it onto the album. Once we started to listen to the recordings and I shouldn’t sound so surprised we realised that they do sound bloody great! Some of those songs we’d never really played together. We’d rehearsed them but not played them live together so it was a big risk."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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