HARKONIN Streaming Detest Album In It's Entirety

September 17, 2010, 14 years ago

news life in black harkonin

St. Louis, Missouri's HARKONIN have made their new Battlegod Productions album, Detest, available for streaming in its entirety via here.

Their fourth album, Detest, mixed and mastered by Jarrett Pritchard, is the product of nearly three years of writing and recording.

"With Detest it was such a full band thing," says guitarist Matt Coyle. "Everyone had ideas for other parts, there was more experimentation, more layers, and every second of the album was orchestrated and deliberate by the time we were ready to track it. A big help to all of this I think was that we started doing I guess what you would call "pre-production". Instead of just tracking a rehearsal for the songs, they were all completely recorded at my home studio before doing the actual album tracking. We went through every part of every song over and over again until it was exactly what we wanted. Everything was tempo mapped and done to a click."

Drummer Clayton Gore continues: "Everything has really come together for this album. I'd say that this is exactly representative of "the Harkonin sound", such as it is. This is the album we all wanted to make, and we're all very happy with the results. We hope people enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed creating it."

Fan-filmed video of the entire Harkonin set, performed on September 1st - opening for GOATWHORE - can be seen below:

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