ZZ TOP's Billy Gibbons Recalls Opening for JIMI HENDRIX

September 24, 2010, 13 years ago

zz top news rock hard jimi hendrix

According to Spinner Canada, decades after opening for THE JIMI HENDRIX EXPERIENCE, ZZ TOP guitarist Billy Gibbons clearly remembers his favorite live Hendrix tune.

"They did the coolest version of 'The Wind Cries Mary,' which still remains one of my favorites," Gibbons tells Spinner. "One of the reasons was it was in an oddball key - the key of F. It's one fret up from the key of E, which is an easy key to play. The key of F is the most difficult to find your way. To make your fingers hit the strings in the key of F is just excruciating. But there's nothing like hearing a bass guitar hit a low F note, and Noel Redding playing big old Fender bass, he'd hit that low F, and it would cause Jimi to crack up because it would just rattle him."

Read the entire interview here.

Leilani Polk from the Daily Loaf spoke with Billy Gibbons recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Daily Loaf: Your last studio album was in 2003, and looks like you guys have another one in the works with Rick Rubin (METALLICA, SLAYER). Have you begun the recording process yet? How’s the creativity been flowing? What can fans expect from the new album? And are you warming up any new numbers on this tour?

Gibbons: "Yes, we’ve begun the process and trading licks and getting it “down.” There’s still a ways to go yet, but we think we’re onto something: it’s loud and kinda rude. We’ve been throwing the odd song into the setlist, so keep your ears peeled, sounds painful but it shouldn’t be."

Daily Loaf: ZZ Top celebrated its 40th anniversary this past December. Can you recount a few of your fondest memories from the road, those classic moments that only happen when you’re on tour – live experiences, fan freakiness, anecdotes about bands you’ve toured with, etc.

Gibbons: "How about the gig in our early days where the band outnumbered the audience three – to – one? We thought, 'this guy came to see us play so let’s just do it.' He seemed to have a good time. A real highlight was induction into the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame by Keith Richards (THE ROLLING STONES). I mean, that’s the apex of something."

Read the entire interview here.

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