BILLY IDOL / CAMP FREDDY Guitarist Billy Morrison Issues Show Update For October

October 2, 2010, 14 years ago

camp freddy news rock hard billy idol

BILLY IDOL guitarist Billy Morrison has checked in with the following update:

"So the tour is over for this year (apart from an easy set of dates in December) and I find myself back at home, a week or so later, wondering when the tour manager is going to put a day sheet under my door. The rider (now our fridge!) doesn't seem to get stocked up daily anymore. When I walk outside into the street, there are no cars waiting to take me where I need to go. And the five times a week fix of volume, adrenaline and sweaty, breathless rock n roll has disappeared into the ether. It takes a while to adjust when you come home from a tour like that. But I'm getting there now - luckily, as always, Morrison has more than a few fingers in multiple pies. So I am focusing on some fun stuff right now. CAMP FREDDY is gonna jam a short, six song acoustic set on Saturday night at a club in Hollywood. It's a charity event for a local school, and I am looking forward to getting with those guys again. And we have more CF action on Oct 22nd when we get to shoot up to San Francisco to play a private party up there. I don't have many details but I think its an invite-only event. However - seems we are close to announcing the annual Xmas Residency - which is anything BUT invite-only!! As usual, we will be charging very little, and giving as much as we can - our way of getting real and intimate with all you lot. So stand by cos this thing sells out every year - get your tickets when we announce.

I'm also looking forward to doing the Bridge School Benefit show at The Shoreline with Billy Idol. It's an acoustic show, and those songs always sound so amazing when they're stripped back. Stevens playing acoustic really is something to behold! And I miss those guys already, so it'll be great to have a day together up there. It's October 23rd and I believe you can buy tickets online. I'll probably do a day diary for the show cos quite honestly, I really miss being able to write that thing!! I guess that's why I'm updating my own site today. I'm sure a therapist would tell me exactly why doing these blogs help order my mind, and contribute to a feeling of well-being.....'Well, Mr. Morrison, by committing your innermost thoughts and feelings to the written word, and allowing others to view your perception of the world, you are allowing your inner child to escape the confines of your parents overly-protective..." SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! I honestly don't care about why - I just know that blogging has been a huge part of my week since I first started doing The Cult tour diaries in 2001. Coming up 10 years now - strange, weird and wonderful.

What makes me smile, sometimes makes others grimace. What interests me may make someone else fall asleep. And certainly some of what motivates me to continue doing the things I do, would make other people give up and crawl into a corner. But I guess that's the beauty of art and entertainment. If you don't like it, change the channel....turn the page.....flip stations. So as naive as it may seem, the hairs on my arms still stand to attention when I listen to certain songs - the Matthew Ashman Tribute show is testament to that. It sold out in 10 days, and I truly believe that its because other people have kept that feeling alive too - when you lose passion and become jaded, you may as well give up and get a job in Walmart. It started with me listening to the Chiefs Of Relief album and having that feeling yet again and wanting to share it with the world. I didn't second-guess myself...'Will it be viewed as cool or cheesy?'.....'Will anyone else care?'......'Can I really be bothered?'....none of that entered my mind. I felt passion because of music and acted on it. If more of us do this kind of thing, the music business (in fact the whole entertainment business) will become exciting again, and claw back some of its unpredictability, it's value and it's power. I guess what I'm trying to say is exactly what Nike have been saying for years. Just Do It. Don't worry about the end result, or what other people will think - go ahead and create, imagine, organize, and do what gives YOU feel that feeling. Nothing else matters.

There is a lot of talk about the gay teen suicides that have occurred in the US recently and I think it's important for as many people as possible to speak up and use their voice. Growing up is hard enough as it is, without also having to deal with the close-minded, hateful opinions of some others. I urge anyone suffering from bullying to tell someone. Don't let the bastards get to you. Your sexual orientation is no-ones business but your own. You are NOT alone and no matter how it might feel at this moment, it will get better. If you are a young LGBT and are suffering abuse, please, don't suffer in silence. I urge you to read the open letter that Dave Navarro wrote on his blog. Click here to read Dave's letter. He is honest, clear, eloquent and offers hope. You can also find resources and help by clicking here for more information or call their hotline on 1-866-4-UTREVOR. Have a good weekend everyone."



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