Scribe Jason Deaville Enters ENSLAVED Contest With Pro Video

October 2, 2010, 14 years ago

news life in black enslaved

Director Dave Cardoso and co-director/ scribe Jason Deaville have entered ENSLAVED's fan-video contest for the new Axioma Ethica Odini song 'Ethica Odini'. Check out their video below on YouTube.

The duo comment:

"Initially, when presented with the prospect of this project, we were excited to present a vision befitting that of Enslaved's notoriously Pagan themed lyrics. Visions of epic Nordic battles upon blood-strewn, frostbitten lands danced through our minds. Though, upon closer inspection of Ethica Odini, we realized that Enslaved have not only progressed musically, but also have grown exponentially as storytellers. That said, we wanted to honor the lyrics with something as equally progressive.

We decided upon a modern story which sees the death, by natural causes, of a priest. This man, though young, was devout to the cloth. He lived every moment of his life in service to his God. Upon his death at the pulpit, his dying moments are spent reflecting what his life might have been like had he not chosen the way of religion. There are many different avenues we could have gone to portray visions of the priest's 'normal' life, but we decided to focus on an isolated incident which involves how he came to meet the love of his 'other' life. I'm sure we'll catch flack for having included the obligatory fight and sex scene, but, in all honesty, sex and violence, along with having the biggest impact visually, are certainly things missing from the life of a priest.

Given more time and resources, there are definitely ideas we would have liked to explore. But, in the end, I think we've managed to capture the spirit of Ethica Odini as it was intended by the band."


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