CHICKENFOOT Drummer Chad Smith Confirms He Won't Tour With The Band In 2011 - "I Can't Be In Three Places At Once"

October 18, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard chickenfoot has issued an interview with drummer Chad Smith (CHICKENFOOT, RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS). The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Joe Bosso:

Q: So what is the story with you and Chickenfoot? From what I understand, you're going to finish the album early next year, but what about touring?

A: "We'll start the album next year. We've demoed four songs already, and Joe's got a bunch more. The plan is to get back to recording after Joe's done with his tour in January. I should be free then. I know I'll be free. The Chili Peppers record won't be finished - there'll be more work to do on that - but I'll be done with my tracks. So I should be good for cutting a Chickenfoot record, but I don't think I'll be able to tour behind it."

Q: You're pretty certain of that?

A: [sighs] "Yeah. The Peppers have festival dates booked for the summer of 2011 already, so I can't play in both bands next year. Believe me, I'd love to play with Chickenfoot, and I am pretty certain I'll be able to finish the second record. We have a chemistry that really works, and I'm really excited to get deeper into the music with those guys. Touring, though… I don't see how."

Q: Have you given your vote to a fill-in touring drummer for Chickenfoot?

A: "I don't have a preference, it's whoever they want. I'm cool with it. You know, Chickenfoot started out as this fun thing to do, and then it just got bigger and bigger. Everybody loves it, and I love it, too. We have the best time together. But hey, I got this other group. It's funny: I'll be talking to Joe Satriani about Chickenfoot stuff, and then when I bring up the Chili Peppers he'll say, 'Oh man, I keep forgetting you're in another band.'" [laughs]

Read the full interview at

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