SUPERTRAMP - 70-10 Tour Recording Available

October 22, 2010, 14 years ago

news rock hard supertramp

SUPERTRAMP started their 70-10 Tour through Europe, celebrating forty years since the release of their first album, Supertramp, in 1970.

Joining Supertramp's founder, lead singer and keyboardist, Rick Davies, are legendary Supertramp members John Anthony Helliwell, saxophones and woodwinds, and Bob Siebenberg, drums. Veterans of past Supertramp tours, Jesse Siebenberg, lead vocals, guitars and percussion, Cliff Hugo, bass, Carl Verheyen, guitars, and Lee Thornburg, horns, round out the lineup.

Get your live recording now! simfy live features high-quality live audio recordings of the concerts of Supertramp's 70-10 Tour. The live recordings are available as Supertramp 70-10 Live-CD-Set or as MP3 download. It's a must-have for every Supertramp fan out there!

During the two hour show the band performs a plethora of classics from their forty year history, including 'Bloody Well Right', 'Dreamer', 'From Now On', 'Goodbye Stranger', 'The Logical Song', 'Rudy' and many, many more.

More info at this location.

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