WHITESNAKE's David Coverdale Talks About His New Wine

October 26, 2010, 13 years ago

news whitesnake rock hard

WHITESNAKE mainman David Coverdale spoke with Robert Simonson from Wine Spectator recently about his new wine, aptly named The Whitesnake Zinfandel 2010. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Wine Spectator: How long have you been interested in wine?

David Coverdale: "Being a child of the ’50s in England, it was only the aristocracy who could afford to indulge in European pleasantries. I didn’t really get to taste wine until an aunt took me to northern Italy when I was 10 or 11. That was just a finger dipped in. The next time, I was an art student of 15 or 16. I and a half-Spanish friend of mine would go to this delicatessen and get a loaf of French bread, cheeses and an old bottle of Chianti, the kind with straw around it. That was a life-changing experience for me in working-class northern England. Of course, when I was blessed with getting a gig with DEEP PURPLE and flying all over the world in private planes and dining in Paris with 13 knives and forks on either side of the place setting, I was introduced to an astonishing array of wines."

Wine Spectator: The Whitesnake wine is a Zinfandel. Is that a varietal you like?

Coverdale: "It’s funny. (Winemaker) Dennis De La Montanya is a huge rock and roll fan, and I’m a huge wine fan. A mutual friend, who runs the Vegas Hilton, said, 'Well, this could be an interesting cocktail to put these guys together.' Dennis recommended a Zin. We had no idea if this was going to do anything, so I agreed to 300 cases. And poof—gone! We had an order for 1,000 cases, so we’re putting together a Merlot. You can’t stop an express train."

Read the entire interview here.

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