HELSTAR's Larry Barragan - "We Couldn't Write A Modern Album Even If Our Life Depended On It!"

October 31, 2010, 13 years ago

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Greece's Rockpages Web Magazine conducted an exclusive interview with Larry Barragan and Rob Trevino from HELSTAR regarding the promotion of the band's upcoming album Glory Of Chaos. Here's an excerpt:

Rockpages.gr: I know that it is probably a cliché question but I was wondering if you have a favorite song on the album and if yes, would you like to tell us which one and why…?

Larry Barragan: "I would have to say for me it’s Alma Negra. It’s just so fucking heavy! I like them all but that one I’m really proud of.'

Rob Trevino: "Not trying to copy Larry here, but Alma is probably my favorite… He’ll even tell you, when I heard the rough mixes with vocals, I could not stop playing it over and over. For me, it combines so many elements of Helstar as well as other styles of metal. James just nailed it on that one and Mikey’s drumming just elevated it. As well, I think the guitar solos really work well together on that song. They aren’t overly technical or fast, they just work."

Rockpages.gr: In Glory Of Chaos there are fewer elements of your traditional power metal sound, as you turned your attention mainly to your "thrash/speed” side. At least, that’s my perspective…was it an intentional move to sound competitive with the modern bands and portray a more 'modern' version of Helstar?

Rob Trevino: "We couldn’t write a modern album if our life depended on it! Haha! I’ve always written thrash songs. For instance, I wrote the music for Anger’ when I was 20 years old! So, that song in particular, musically, was written by a kid.

Larry Barragan: It’s just been a natural progression for us I think. It’s the music I listen to most now days.

Read the full interview at this location.

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