DARK FUNERAL's Lord Ahriman - "The Search For A New Vocalist Is Going Just Fine"

November 1, 2010, 13 years ago

news life in black dark funeral

Heavy Metal Tribune has issued an interview with Lord Ahriman of Swedish black / death metallers DARK FUNERAL. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Summerbreeze 2010 was the last Dark Funeral with Emperor Magus Caligula. Seeing him leave the band after 15 years and 9 releases certainly caused a stir among longtime fans of Dark Funeral. How has the search for a new vocalist been so far?

A: "Sure, I understand if his departure came like a surprise too many of you, but sometimes life takes new and unexpected turn’s you know. Good thing though, is that life moves on and so does Dark Funeral! The search for a new vocalist is going just fine. We have a few very interesting and strong candidates lined up already, but whether it will be one of them or someone else who finally gets the job is too early to say. Time will tell..."

Read the full interview at this location.

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