ISKALD - New Album Completed

November 4, 2010, 13 years ago

news life in black iskald

Norwegian black metallers ISKALD have issued the following update from Aage Krekling (drums/vocals):

"All work is now done and the forthcoming new Iskald album is complete.

Since the recordings in Oslo we returned back to Bodø to record and finish all guitar and bass tracks. Having all drums done beforehand made the recordings a blast and having the opportunity to do them at our own recording studio made it more relaxed and easy.

For the last one and a half month the album has been mixed and mastered at 210 Studios in Berlin by our producers Stamos Koliousis and Vangelis Labrakis.

It has been quite a long process, starting back in August, but in the end it's all worth it. The sound is just what we hoped for and will represent what Iskald really stands for now and in the future. We kind of melted Shades Of Misery and Reveletions Of Reckoning Day together sound wise to forfill our perfect sound. Music-wise we continue down our dark musical path, introducing some new stuff and bringing back some old ideas. As for the song material in general, I would say that we have taken a huge step compared to the last ones, and there should be something in there for everyone.

During the autum we plan to reveal details on the album all the way to the final release date, which isn't decided yet. But hopefully in the end of January/start of February...

So stay tuned for exclusive info, videos, tracklist, photos, new designs and so on in the forthcoming weeks!"

More on Iskald at this location.

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