THE PROJECT HATE's Lord K. Philipson - "The Seventh Album In Our Career Is Completed, And What A Fuckin' Album It Turned Out To Be"

November 6, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news the project hate

Lord K. Philipson from Swedish death metallers THE PROJECT HATE has issued the following studio update:

"The seventh album in our career is completed, and what a fuckin' album it turned out to be. Just some months ago we were actually wondering if this recording would see the day at all. The Haters showed us that it most likely would have, even if it would happen as an exclusive download-thing only. I can never thank you guys enough for that and will state that it’s one of the best moments in my career to see such support from a very dedicated fan-base. Thank you so much.

Everything has worked according to plan during this recording. I told everyone involved when I needed their contributions and they all nailed it way before deadline. Dan Swanö (ex-EDGE OF SANITY, BLOODBATH, NIGHTINGALE) and me needed to have the master on November 8th – we did it the day before. Now it’s all up to Season Of Mist to make the best out of it and deliver this phenomenon to your local record dealer coz you will want the real product with Marko Saarelainen‘s astonishing booklet. If not for that, you want the real thing so we can actually sell some albums and be able to record a new one in the future with a happy label behind us. After all these years we deserve it, and Season Of Mist deserves it for believing in us. Think about that when you steal it from the net with no intention of buying it.

Six insane tunes with a combined running-time of over 60 minutes with easily the best fuckin' production I have ever heard out of Swanö’s Unisound. That guy sure knows what I want by now and it’s, as stated earlier, a miracle he’s not making a complete luxurious living out of his studio. Just wait until you hear it, people… Thank you so much, Dan.

And it’s soon time for you guys to hear what Ruby‘s brought into TPH. Trust me on the fact when I say that this is how we should have sounded 12 years ago when we started TPH. She is one of the two final pieces of the puzzle to make my vision complete. The other one is of course The Golden One – Tobias Gustafsson. The work he’s done on the album is just amazing. For the first time ever it feels like we have a real drummer and a real vocalist. It took a few years to come to this point, but hey – we all start somewhere, haha… And I don’t even have to say that J’s done his best vocal effort ever. Again. And Mike Wead‘s solos are just… wow. I can never express my gratitude enough to the people involved in TPH.

But to further talk about the masterpiece at hand, coz a masterpiece it is… I can guarantee you that you will notice the diabolical atmosphere I have been referring to during the process of writing and recording this album. I can also guarantee that you have never experienced TPH on this superior level up until now. In a few months you will see, and you will agree.

As soon as Season Of Mist’s promo department give us their 'go' you will get the album title, street date and perhaps something else you might find interesting.

Up until then, brace yourself for complete annihilation come 2011 and the release of this recording."

TPH pentagram logo.

About the recording, Dan Swanö adds:

"It’s incredible that K can just go on and on and create these 10 min-plus masterpieces year in, year out. Must be the beard. And finally… real fuckin' drums in TPH!!! I know..the last few albums have had human drummers on them too..these guys did a great job…to replace Lord K’s demo-programming… But to have Tobbe The Spider on drums is like having…well…a drummer and something more!! There are some fills here where I truly believe that two additional arms grow out of this guy on command. It was also a pleasure for me to find out that the recordings were good and that I could use the real acoustic sound from the drums to go along with his natural drumming (As far as I am concerned, there is nothing done to his playing, like moving stuff around to be inhumanly perfect)

Again K is kicking ass with the six-stringed tanks and also the five-stringed bulldozer from hell!!! Together they create an unholy warmachine of Satanic hatred!!! Jörgen is the worlds best growler, like always, and also his vocals were very well recorded (thanks to whoever did that).

The female vocals are great too. In fact my favorite section of the album is a great epic “duet” between Ruby and Jörgen starting at 4:34 in the second song. One of the best TPH moments ever.

Mike Wead. Say no more! This guy is criminally underrated. YNGWIE who?? Mike Wead is fucking who!!!!

I also like the section with (name withheld). He’s gotta really soulful voice, and layer stuff really professionally.

I am listening to the album in the background as I write this, just to check for any error that might have passed by the “hawk-ears” or Mr. K (Frekvenspiss, anyone!!??) so far, so good…and yes…it sounds really good. It’s great to pull out all stops and not having to follow a reference record, and instead try to create a new reference record for others.

Now, It’s up to Season of Mist to prove that they are a better label than all the previous ones that messed up the fine arts of TPH after the release. This album deserves to be heard by everyone!! And if you like my work on it, and believe your band/project would rule even more with this kind of sonics. Don’t hesitate to contact me at

High quality for a low price!! The way it should be in life.

Let there be hate."

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