PYTHIA Issue Fall Update

November 9, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news pythia

UK-based gothic power metallers PYTHIA have issued the following update:

"There is a lot going on, and coming up in the world of Pythia, so let’s get right into it!

First and foremost as always are the live shows. Returning from Belgium and Holland on a massive high (again!), November sees a couple of live shows, one for the Londoners, the other for those of a Brummie persuasion.

We are hitting the Scala in King’s Cross on Friday 12th with the fantastic LAHANNYA, and then all of us up to the Asylum in Birmingham on Sunday 14th. Please visit for more info and to buy your tickets. There may be tickets available on the door, but these shows are by the bands, for the fans, so please grab yours in advance from the site!

To accompany these shows we have a marvellous new t-shirt, featuring photography from the fantastic Clive Arrowsmith and our long time favourite, Hayley Madden. The new design is available on the site as well, so why not pick one up with your tickets and boast your new image with pride...

The web-shop is looking better than ever with everything from the music to Emily’s own literary masterwork, three individual t-shirt designs, the ever successful calendar and plenty of other goodies with more to come including new clothing items and band-branded musical accessories. Check it out here.

We have also had the great honour of being immortalised in pixel form by the good folk at Rock Gamer Studios. 'Army Of The Damned' has been chosen and is available for download for all you bedroom rockers who have Rock Band and the ability to update their online content. Check it out here for compatibility and updates.

The last date for your diaries this year is of course Hard Rock Hell 4 at Prestatyn Sands. Get your best swashbuckling outfits on as the whole weekend is a pirate-themed affair! The guys are on Friday night/Saturday morning (you heard it right folks, it’s a long old night!). You may even see the chaps and chapess in a slightly modified version of their stage get up to match the event!

The recent shows in Benelux were absolutely amazing, all the guys in ARCH ENEMY and their crew made us feel so welcome, and we made a few good friends at the venue and with the locals. OMEGA LITHIUM were a fantastic bunch, and you may even see Pythia working with the OL guys again in the future.

Everybody at the Metal Female Voices Festival was fantastic, especially the couple of thousand metal-heads who showed up at 11:20 AM to sing along and then queue for ages to meet the band. Again, all the stage crew, A/V guys and photographers, and the organisational staff went above and beyond, making the whole day one I’m sure all involved will remember.

That’s enough for now; we look forward to seeing you real soon (and no poking fun at Tim or the Sound Viking for their recent de-fluffing on various body parts)."

More on Pythia at this location.

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