INACAGE - "Haven't Gone On Tour And Have No Interest To"

November 9, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news inacage

INACAGE check in with the following update:

"Been awhile since we put up a blog. Its now been a year since we finished our EP and next month will be 1 year since its release. Haven't gone on tour and have no interest to. The Bay Area is the best place on earth so there isnt any reason to visit anywhere else other than to promote our CD. That is not enough of a reason when we really dont need the money. We have jobs. And very good jobs! Playing shows in the Bay Area satisfies.

We have a huge studio to practice in now! And in an awesome location! Across the street from a cemetery and next door to an aviation center that is in charge of the whole state of California. All under 2 miles from our homes!

Stephanie has now been playing drums for... well... the end of December will be 2 years. Yes! Hasn't even been playing two years! In fact, when we recorded our EP, Remains, she had only been playing 9 months!! HAHA! That folks is what you call not giving a FUCK!! Dont care what people think. Most are stuck on stupid living in the past. Our tunes are sick as fuck! Not our problem that people cant recognize. LOL Nor does it matter any. We are very happy with our situation! Unlike so many other artists who cant stand their band mates or the awful side of the business that we personally refuse to get involved with!

We now have a solid hour set! And every song is more than likely nothing you are familiar with. Ya know how some ask, 'hey what do you guys sound like?'. And then the band typically responds, 'well we have our style'. LOL Well this hella rings true for us! And we take extreme pride in not sounding like everyone else. Dont care if we get crap for saying this but we are as different as PRIMUS was when they first came out. Except without the silliness. And guitar wise, bass wise, we know we are everything that they are, if not more so.

Dont care if you dont agree or recognize. We know the truth and thats good enough for us. BTW we love Primus so dont read into this more than it has to be and talk shit. Just stating the facts. And since we have gone there, might as well mention POSSESSED. We are way more real. No image. No bullshit. BTW we love Possessed. And wish Jeff and SADISTIC INTENT the best with their current tour with DANZIG. Thank you for keeping the spirit of Possessed alive! Mike will probably give us shit for commending you but tough. He is our brother and he will get over it. Dont give a fuck. We are in this for us. Not you.

As for our lyrics, we feel we have the very best lyricist with Stephanie than just about any other band in the whole fucking world! Thank you Stephanie! You are an amazing poet!

Will be recording a full length album sometime in 2011 and released sometime 2012. Not that you care and will buy it but thought we would tell you nevertheless. We will do it cuz we can. And will enjoy it for what its worth. Not trying to be rockstars and have no interest in being one. People always up in your business ! Much rather be unknown. And when we dont see a god damn reply on this new blog of ours then we will have to say mission accomplished! HAHA

Hope everyone in somewhere land are doing well and not letting this fucked up world beat you to death. It sucks out there and our hearts and thoughts go out to each and everyone of you who are experiencing tough times!"

More on Inacage at this location.

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