November 11, 2010, 13 years ago

velvet revolver news rock hard matt sorum

Drummer MATT SORUM, currently in VELVET REVOLVER, formerly of GUNS N' ROSES and THE CULT, will turn 50 on November 19th. He shares his thoughts on this milestone:

"Yep its happenin I’m turning 50. How am I feelin about it?? I’m alright. I’m actually surprise I made it this far. Had many close calls and have had quite a life up to now. I have mellowed a lot in the last couple of years and things seem to be easier somehow. I don’t sweat the small stuff I quess.

I have done so many things and traveled so many places and have met so many great people in my travels.

Have I made mistakes??

Plenty… but at this phase of my life I feel like resentments and feelings I held when I was younger for situations I was in at the time seem so minuscule now. Let bygones be bygones if you know what I mean.

A lot of it is like watching somebody else's movie. Like the GN'R years. Feels like another lifetime. And how I was then is so removed from who I am now. Gratitude is where I am at.

The fact that I have lived my dreams that have gone far beyond my expectations. There is nothing that life can hand me I can’t handle at this point. It wasn’t always easy. But knowing that I am always grounded. And did have moments when I wasn’t when I was younger.

So that being said I look forward to what the future holds. Life is more exciting than ever. 50 and ready to rock."

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