QUEENSRŸCHE Frontman Geoff Tate On New Album - "There Will Be A New Element In The Rhythm Section, Where Scott Rockenfield and Eddie Jackson Wrote A Lot Of Material"

November 20, 2010, 13 years ago

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Metal-Temple.com recently caught up with QUEENSRŸCHE frontman Geoff Tate. An excerpt from the interview is available below.

Q: You mentioned experimentation, let’s talk about the upcoming Queensrÿche album; do you have finished writing it?

Tate: "Not exactly; we are about done ¾ of the way to be through with it. We have a lot of tracks for this one so, we have a lot of recording to do and as I said our goal is to finish it by the end of January. So, we are in the final stages, adding and changing stuff."

Q: Will it be a concept album?

Tate: "To be honest with you, I really do not know yet. Probably it will be in some extent. I have written most of the lyrics but I have not reached the final stage and put the theme together. It is always difficult for me to describe the music and the lyrics of an album. And that’s because it is art and art is a thing you experience one on one. Everybody takes different things from art it is something subjective so, I believe one has to listen for himself and draw his own conclusions."

Q: I’ve read in an internet posting that you are experiment a lot on this album; so, can we expect new instruments in that?

Tate: "Not exactly but we definitely experiment on different ways of playing the instruments that dominate Queensrÿche’s sound like the guitar, the vocal and the drums. It is going to be Queensrÿche but there will be a new element in the rhythm section, where Scott (Rockenfield) our drummer and Eddie (Jackson) our bass player wrote a lot of material for this album. I think the first thing people will notice that this album is very rhythm oriented."

Q: What about saxophone, that I really love in Promised Land, have you ever thought of using more in the music?

Tate: "There are a couple of tracks with saxophone in this album where we used as a texture. There are also some solos and some really nice saxophone melodies."

Click here for the complete interview.

Go to this location for BW&BK; founder Tim Henderson's interview with Tate.

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