GWAR Schedules Winnipeg In-Store Appearance

November 23, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news gwar

Two members of GWAR will be making an in-store appearance at the CD Plus at Madison Square (1630 Ness Avenue) in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Lead singer Oderus Urungus and bass player Beefcake the Mighty will be appearing in all their glory in the Winnipeg store from 3 to 4 PM on Saturday, December 4th, and will be available to put their blood and guts on whatever is put before them.

Gwar will be destroying and devouring Winnipeg’s inhabitants on December 4th at a show at the Garrick Theatre starting at 7 PM with their partners in crime THE CASUALTIES, INFERNAEON and MOBILE DEATH CAMP.

Two lucky fans in attendance at the CD Plus in-store appearance will win a pair of tickets to the show.

Gwar frontman Oderus Urungus (aka Dave Brockie) is featured in a new audiop interview with Check it out below.

Oderus is also featured in a new intrerview with correspondent Peter Atkinson. An excerpt is available below: I’ve spoken to you guys in character a few times, but since this is Gwar’s anniversary I wanted to find out what it was like to dress up like a monster and spray shit all over people for 25 years.

Brockie: "Because we all decided we were going to make this a two-year-long 25th anniversary, it’s actually the 26th anniversary already. But we’re still insisting it’s the 25th. You’ll find that the characters behind the characters are just as obnoxious as the characters. So there’s not a lot to distinguish between me and Oderus at this point. The clothing’s about the only real difference, when you get right down to it, or the actual wearing of clothing. I, myself, would rather be considered a sexual god so I keep my real penis behind clothing so people don’t see how completely inadequate it is in comparison to the Cuttlefish of Cthulu [as Oderus’ penis is known]." What was the basic idea behind Gwar when you were getting it going?

Brockie: "We were really just trying to have fun. We were a bunch of artists and musicians who had been a part of a bunch of different crazy projects. We were all going to school or starting our lives. Nobody had a lot of money and we were all pretty crazy people. So we started doing stuff like that pretty much just to amuse ourselves.

People who are bored will either get more bored or they’ll try to think of things to occupy their time, so were always doing crazy shit like that, whether it was Death Piggy or setting up an assassin game or arranging big D&D; [Dungeons & Dragons] tournaments or hack-and-bash tournaments which we do with big padded swords and Gwar was almost the perfect mushing together of all our habits into one thing.

Right from the beginning, right up to the present time, it was primarily motivated by the dissemination of fun and as we got older with it and started to actually make a living off of it, I think we really stayed true to that original thing. You’re never gonna get rich off of something like Gwar, and I think that’s the reason why it had lasted so long, we’ve never been motivated by what most bands and a lot of people are motivated by, which is the accumulation of wealth and getting rich and being rock stars, that was always very odious to us, very repellent.

One of the big reasons for doing Gwar was to skewer that whole bullshit rock and roll lifestyle. It’s a lot of fun, sure, but it doesn’t mean you’re any better of a human being than anyone else. And that’s the problem with these fucking rock stars, they get some success in a band and all of a sudden they think that they’re like these omnipotently intelligent, culturally aloof snobs, ego-centric assholes that I hate. We’ll never become that as long as we’re in Gwar. I don’t care how good the catering is, how nice the venue is, Gwar will find a way to bring it down to their level (laughs)."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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