MICHAEL MONROE - New Audio Interview With Metal Express Radio Available

November 26, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard michael monroe

Norway's Metal Express Radio recently caught up with ex-HANOI ROCKS frontman Michael Monroe to discuss his new band and other projects in the works. Check it out via the audio player below.

Michael Monroe

Monroe recently checked in with the following update:

"Having a fantastic time here on the MOTÖRHEAD 35th Anniversary UK Tour! This might be the best tour I've ever been on - I'm totally loving it. Motörhead and their crew are treating us super nice and everyone is very kind and helpful. Plus they have the best catering in the world! Normally one would lose a couple of kilos on tour, but on this tour it's easy to put on a few since the food is so good. The opening band, SKEW SISKIN and their crew are very nice and helpful too. All in all there's a great positive & peaceful vibe around here. Everyone, (including our own newly formed & brilliant crew) is very professional and together - we're all just having a blast! I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to Motörhead, their crew and everybody involved. It's been an absolute pleasure. I can't believe we've only got 4 shows left to do. This tour will be over too soon and it's been so much fun!

Some audiences are more responsive than others for us, but mostly I've been positively surprised how well we've been received. After all, especially in the UK, the Motörhead crowd can be very tough to win over or even to get a reaction from. However, by the end of our show they seem to think we're quite alright. At first they're a little wary, I guess... untl they realize - oh, he's a nutcase, THAT'S why he's on this tour... AND this band does some serious rockin' every night...

One of the greatest thrills for me is having been invited on stage with Motörhead to sing 'Born To Raise Hell' (see fan-filmed video below)! I've done it on 4 occasions already. What an honour and privilege! It doesn't get much cooler than that. I actually did sing backing vocals on the recording of the song with SEBASTIAN BACH back in the day in New York.

Ginger has soldiered on bravely with his broken foot... and I haven't managed to hurt myself too badly (knock on wood). However, while on the subject... I guess I can reveal now that at the end of the last show of our Scandinavian Tour in Tampere, Finland (2 weeks before this Motörhead tour) when I fell off the lighting rig I slammed my back against the side of the stage and fractured 2 ribs (on my left side, for a change). This happened just as I had pretty much recovered from breaking the other 2 ribs in Japan in August! Actually, this time they were just fractured, and not as badly broken as they were in Japan. So I've been coping with it the best I can. I rested a week, but then started doing as much exercising as the pain would allow me to. Now it's been about 3 weeks since the injury, so I'm on the safe side already...

The reason I didn't say anything publicly about breaking my ribs again was that I thought it was becoming a bit of a joke with this band. First I break 2 ribs, then Ginger breaks his foot, then I break 2 more ribs - I mean it does get a bit ridiculous. I can just hear people going, "oh, them old guys are just literally falling apart, etc..." The truth really is that our live show is so intense and we give it everything we've got so it's not surprising that some injuries happen. Also, my falling off the lighting rig (first time ever, by the way...) just goes to show that even I ever really don't know if I'm gonna fall or not - which adds to the excitement, right?

Other than that, all I can say that Lemmy is King and Long Live Motörhead!"

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