POWERWOLF To Enter Studio In December

November 29, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news powerwolf

Transilvanivan metallers POWERWOLF are currently busy writing new songs for the follow up album to their third strike, Bible Of The Beast.

"We spent the last three months in the rehearsal room working out stuff for the new album. Even though it's still in the making we can already promise the songs are 100% Powerwolf, taking off where Bible Of The Beast ended – there's furious stuff, there's epic stuff - and all of it is catchy as hell", comments organist Falk Maria Schlegel.

"For the production we're going to team up with exactly the same crew as for Bible Of The Beast - Kohlekeller Studios for the recordings, any chapel we can haunt for organ and choir celebrations - and of course Studio Fredman and Fredrik Nordström for mix."

Powerwolf will invade the studio in December and the recording process will last until February. Expect a tentative release midyear 2011. More details and updates will follow.

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