INSISION Part Ways With Magnus Martinsson; New Session Guitarist Announced

December 16, 2010, 13 years ago

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Sweden's INSISION have announced that they have parted ways with their second guitarist, Magnus Martinsson, due to Magnus' involvement and focus on his other bands and projects.

Says the band, "We are all pleased with this decision and Insision wishes Magnus the best in the future."

At the same time Insision announce that the death metal/jazz influenced guitarist Tobias Alpadie steps into the battle as session guitarist for Insision.

Says Tobias, "Since their release of Beneath The Folds Of Flesh I’ve been a fan of Insision, and feel honored that the band wants me as a session member. I really feel stoked about this, and can't wait to start rehearsing with the guys in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully everything will turn out just great. I’ll be catching alot of you out on the road in the near future."

Insision recently signed with US-based label Sevared Records.

Said the band, “Sevared Records is one of the fastest growing death metal labels in the world and it feels good to find a label that stays true to and value classic brutal death metal. Also a big f*** off to goes to Dental Records, that wasted four years of our lives, time and energy..."

The Sevared Records camp stated: "Sevared Records is very honored to sign the mighty Insision! I personally have been a huge fan of this incredible band since the 1st MCD. I'm extremely excited to release the new MCD and the following full length CD, I know these brutal death metal veterans will crush every fan of brutal death metal skulls in! And finally get the recognition of brutality they deserve! And as they say... The Dead Live On In 2011!!!! "

Regarding the band's first recording for Sevared Records, the group state: "It has been brutal and fun working with this new material and we're all exited about the release. Spent a week at Off Beat Studio, located in Stockholm. Recorded and produced this MCD for you guys with sound engineer Anders Eriksson.

We felt a need to get it out there while writing our next full length album, mainly for the fans supporting us down the years as it has been just too fucking long since our last release. But now finally, we're here!

This time it's going to be a 5-track release giving you 4 completely new killer tracks, the fifth bonus track being a re-make of a song from our early days. We love this shit! It's just a brutal beating, a package delivering brutal and aggressive death metal, the Insision way of course!!

This one will break your necks for sure! See you out there soon."

Further updates to follow. More on Insision at this location.

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