WARCRY - New Album Featured On Metal Express Radio's Terror Zone Today

January 4, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news warcry

Norway's Metal Express radio has issued the following update:

"2011 is here and Terror Zone is not going to let new thrashers slip by! WARCRY from Germany, with their startling mix of thrash and heavy metal, will be featured on this week's show. Newly signed to Pure Steel Records, the band recently issued their second album, Revenge In Blood. Four tracks will be played from this album for your thrashing enjoyment. And as a reminder, beginning with the next show and going forward, Terror Zone will spin five tracks off of each featured release!

Other bands on the show: SODOM, S.O.D., VICIOUS RUMORS, DESTROYER 666 and more...

Be sure to tune into Metal Express Radio here each Wednesday at 15:00 and 21:00 CET (9:00am and 3:00pm EST) to catch Terror Zone. For requests, suggestions, and comments, contact lior@metalexpressradio.com."

More on Warcry at this location.

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