DARK FUNERAL Mainman Talks About Line-Up Changes, New Album, Upcoming DVD

January 9, 2011, 13 years ago

news life in black dark funeral dvd

Slovakia's Hellmagazine has posed a new interview with Lord Ahriman of Swedish black/death metallers DARK FUNERAL. The following is an excerpt:

Hellmagazine: You are looking for a new vocalist, bass player and drummer through your official website. People could send their videos or some audio stuff. How was it? Have you found someone who is suitable?

Ahriman: "So far we have received a bit over 500 application and it keep coming in new application pretty much every day. So it sure has, and still is, a lot of material to go through. Out of the 500 plus applications we have received so far, there's a few VERY interesting candidates of course, some who we are talking further with at this point of time, but, we’ll keep the search “open” until we have come to a final decision and officially announced the new member(s). So if you do believe that you have what it takes for the job, don’t hesitate to send us some audio/video files of your vocal/drum performance! Send to: vocalist@darkfuneral.se."

Hellmagazine: I´d like to ask you about the last show with Caligula. How was it actually? How did you feel? And what about him? He had to be sad, hadn´t he?

Ahriman: "Luckily, I was so extremely busy that day. I didn't have any time to think about it. From the arrival to show-time I had to plan the pyro with the pyro company, plan the DVD filming with the film company, sort all the biz stuff between the label and all these companies that were involved in the DVD production, among many other things. For obvious reasons I really wanted this to become a very special show, and a killer DVD. So I was constantly on the phone, run back and forth on the festival site like a madman talking to all these people to prepare and make sure everything turned out just perfect. It wasn't really until we were on stage and played the last song it struck me, that this was in fact the last show we were doing with Caligula on vocals. And considering the fact that Caligula and I have been friends and worked together for 15 years it sure was a sad feeling, I won't deny that. But at the same time it's just to accept the fact that sometime people's lives takes different turns, where of their priorities also change. And even though it was Caligula's own decision to leave the band, I'm quite sure he also had a mixed feeling about it all, some sad, some excitement to start a somewhat new life.

Hellmagazine: As you have already said, you recorded the show for a live DVD. When could we expect to see this material?

Ahriman: "Hopefully soon! Everything is pretty much ready and it sure will be a killer DVD! Now it's up to our label Regain Records to nail the last few things and to suggest a release date. As soon as we know more, you'll get to know it too! So stay tuned!

Hellmagazine: What about your new album? I've already read that you have some ideas and also some new material. Am I correct?

Ahriman: "Yeah, I've begin to write material for a new album, but it's still too early to reveal anything about it. As soon as we have something more to say, we'll publish it on our websites!"

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