PHARAOH Complete New EP

January 12, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news pharaoh ep

US metallers PHARAOH, featuring ex-CONTROL DENIED singer Tim Aymar, check in with the following update:

"The EP is done, mixed, mastered, laid out, ready to rock. Not sure when it will be out, but I'm guessing March or April? It's been too damned long, but what can you do?

P4 is underway. Drums were recorded last summer, before a rash of baby births put Pharaoh and its extended family into deep freeze for a while. But, the kids've gotta learn about metal sooner or later, so it's back on the horse for us. Rhythm guitars were tracked this past weekend, and in an unusually quick turnaround for this band, vocal sessions begin this coming weekend. That said, there is a LOT to be done yet: clean and acoustic guitars, melody guitars, solos, bass, and of course singing, so we're not going to be done anytime soon, but the album will definitely come out in 2011, probably in the early fall (September would be nice.) And then, god-willing, we might actually do a proper US tour. But, don't hold your breath for that one. Keep your fingers crossed, if you're gonna do anything."

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