JANE'S ADDICTION - Tentative Title Of New Album Revealed

January 20, 2011, 13 years ago

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Joe Bosso of MusicRadar.com has revealed that the tentative title of the forthcoming JANE'S ADDICTION album is The Great Escape Artist. Bosso also spoke with JA guitarist Dave Navarro, an excerpt follows:

As far as your own songwriting and playing with Jane's, how have you seen it evolving?

"As a guitar player, my approach has become more melodic and simplistic. I'm not doing tons and tons of overdriven rhythm guitar tracks, and not a whole hell of lot of soling that doesn't add to the melodic nature of a track. I've really been enjoying exploring different guitar textures in the studio.

Songwriting-wise, it's always been a track-by-track thing. We've never written any two songs in the same way. That remains to be fresh, which is nice. We are utilizing other instrumentation and new technologies, but our mental approach has remained wide open."

Being that it's a "track-by-track thing," how many songs have you been contributing to as a writer?

"I couldn't even begin to answer that. There's so many things, and we haven't even decided on a tracklist yet. I would say that there's a lot of material to go through, and the three of us - or the four of us - have been very… See, where an initial seed for a song comes from varies, and we all work off of one another. Everything, though, takes us from point A to point B."

I'm just trying to get a handle on this. How much of the album is actually recorded at this point?

"Again, I'm not sure. We've been demoing stuff in the studio on the day that we write a track, but we haven't gone back to Phase 2, so it's hard to say what we're going to keep. But we're definitely in the homestretch. There might be drums on one track that we want to redo the bass on, or there may be a great vocal performance on another track but the bass and guitars are unusable, you know what I mean? It's kind of all over the place. In some ways, we could be a lot closer than I think, and in a lot of ways, we could be further than I think."

Are you eyeballing a summer release?

"Mmm, I leave those things to the suits. My job, more or less, is to go in and play. Like I said before, focusing on elements of the band that are not in the here and now are pretty pointless. And I apply that way of thinking to my everyday life, as well. Trying to predict the future, nine times out of 10, I'm usually wrong. So I've kind of stopped doing that."

To read the interview in its entirety, click here.

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