ANTHRAX, DEATH ANGEL, HELLYEAH To Headline Manila's Pulp Summer Slam XI: Resurrection

January 22, 2011, 13 years ago

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ANTHRAX, DEATH ANGEL and HELLYEAH will headline the Pulp Summer Slam XI: Resurrection being held on April 30th at the Amoranto Stadium in Manila, Philippines. 25 local rock bands will also be performing at the event.

Tickets for the Pulp Summer Slam 11: Resurrection will cost 350 pesos. This ticket price will include freebies such as beer, soda, pizza slices, discount to the official show t-shirt and more.

Pulp Summer Slam is the Philippines' loudest hard rock and metal festival which attracts around 30,000 fans every year.

For more info visit Facebook.

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