GWAR Frontman Dave Brockie On Songwriting - "It's Almost Like You're Writing For A Musical And The Character Of Oderus; You Have To Try To Get Inside His Head"

January 24, 2011, 13 years ago

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GWAR frontman Dave Brockie - better known as Oderus Urungus - is featured in a new interview with An excerpt is available below:

Q: How would you describe everything that was going on in your mind as you were writing (new album) Bloody Pit of Horror?

Brockie: "We tried to keep it simple, I tried to keep it just real, more kind of horror, dark, death, fantasies, and we were on tour in Europe at the time, and I was writing a lot of it, and I was having a lot of laptop issues, and so it was like the first album I had hand-written in years; my laptop which became a 'craptop' and died on me, and so I went back to the old way of just having a journal and just filling it up with scribblings, and then went back and took out the best, sickest parts.

I didn't really have a big story to tell, we didn't really have a whole-- like, with Lust In Space and Beyond Hell, both were very much so based around shows we did and various adventures that Gwar had. Gwar on this one had more like gone back to Antarctica and was hanging out and Oderus was just like fantasizing about whatever sick shit that Oderus thinks about. You try to put yourself in the mind-set of what it would be like if Oderus was writing lyrics, you know?

Like, I try to do that when I write a Gwar album. Here I was-- one morning we woke up and everyone wanted to go visit Dachau [concentration camp; Dachau, Germany]. As usual, I was up early, our bus was parked at the Dachau parking lot, and I was drinking some beer, it was a day off, and you know, you can't help but visit Dachau and not have that affect your lyrics, right? So, not that it took much to ever get my lyrics to be like, obsessed with Nazis and the Holocaust and World War II, and just horrific human history in general, but when you're right amongst it, where it actually happened, it had an impact on the way I wrote some lyrics.

So, you know, you just try to-- you don't write lyrics like you'd write them for a DBX [The Dave Brockie Experience] album, that's for sure; it's a completely different thing. It's almost like you're writing for a musical and the character of Oderus, you have to try to get inside his head and figure out what he's-- what would be interesting to him, which is pretty fucked up shit."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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