HELLOWEEN Bassist Markus Grosskopf - "If You Are Scared To Do Something You Shouldn't Be Working In This Business"; Video Interview Available

February 2, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news helloween

Greece's Rockpages TV conducted an exclusive interview with bassist Markus Grosskopf of HELLOWEEN when the band was in Greece a couple of weeks ago for two concerts.

The following is an excerpt (check out the video interview below):

Q: Were you anxious when you were doing the Master Of The Rings tour, the first one with Andy Derins behind the mic? Were you worried about how the fans reactions?

A: "Well, doing the record was just like a “killer” experience, because we were down a little bit before that record with our two previous ones, and then we got together saying 'allright, we should do what we do best, we should do Helloween again!', and Andy helped us with his ideas getting the band back together. We had a very very strong feeling when he was there working with us for the Master Of The Rings album. And we were pretty sure that after those sellings from the album that the tour was going to be great… we weren’t scared to do anything. If you are scared to do something you shouldn’t be working in this business. You’ve always got to do what you feel right for the band without being scared. You’ve got to take a risk, you’ve got to take a risk always, because you cannot do something expecting 100% of the people liking it you know. You have to expect some of the people hating it, some of the people liking it, but then you cannot satisfy 100% of them. My opinion is: don’t shit in your pans if you do something! If you really like it, just do it! You’ve got to stand for it, you’ve got to stand up for it, and then it’s OK if there’s people hating it, then you can take it, then you can take criticism, and anything. But, don’t shit in you pants, don’t be scared doing anything, then it’s over, then you go like “eeeewwww” (makes a scared face), then you looked scared, then you are scared, then you shit in you pants when you go on stage, but if you really like 100% what you are doing, then there is no problem. If the others don’t like it, then I don’t care! Go home! Listen to something else! But, then it’s being 100% with the product you just did."

Q: You’ve been a founder member of Helloween, you have done the BASSINVADERS project, is there anything left for you personally, as a musician, as well as a person that you would like to achieve?

A: "Well, there are still some things… we didn’t do headlining all those big festivals yet, you can always try to go a step ahead, you can always try to carry on with what is there concerning what is there to achieve for a band like Helloween. I think there is some stuff… there is always some places we’ve never been before. This year we go to China you know… so this is the very first time for us! There is always a place where we could go… we haven’t been to South America yet… (Cuuuuuuuuuutttt) that’s what we can maybe do someday. We could play headliners on festivals, we never did this, we have always been in a good spot, but being a headliner in festivals is something different, it’s still something to achieve, there is so many things we could do as Helloween still… and I’m gonna be there, I am gonna be with it! I am there whenever you need me!"

Read the full interview here and check out the video interview below:

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