HATE AMMO Part Ways With Singer, Announce Replacement

February 5, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news hate ammo

Sweden's HATE AMMO have parted ways with singer Peder Sundqvist (also in ASSAILANT). The band have issued the following statement: "We have made a change in the line up. Peder Sundqvist is no longer a part of Hate Ammo. We wish him the best in the future, and his other band Assailant. Respect! We want you to give a big hail to our new singer, Mario Santos Ramos, also in the band FEARED."

Hate Ammo are in pre-production for the follow-up to last year's Bound By Hate album and have 10-11 news songs in the can for recording.

Hate Ammo are completed by: Ronnie Björnström - guitar (BONE GNAWER), Henke Mikaelsson - guitar (THOSE WHO BRING THE TORTURE), Martin Pudas - bass (DAEMONICUS) and Morgan Lie - drums (NAGLFAR).

For more info visit Hateammo.com.

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