NAPALM DEATH To Record 'Mystery Song', Reveal Plans For New Album

February 10, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news napalm death

NAPALM DEATH guitarist Mitch Harris has issued the following update:

"Napalm Death has just confirmed a studio date later this month for a mystery song! It's [got] nothing to do with the new [Napalm Death] album [and] it's not a cover song either... I will give more details when I have official clearance to do so."

Vocalist Mark "Barney" Greenway also checks in:

"We will be starting more or less from scratch making a new album and will record in May. Don't read that wrong — it doesn't take us that much time to get our stuff together, it's just that Russ Russell, our producer, has his hands full until May. It does seem a while since Time Waits…, but we recorded the previous few albums in quick succession so thought we'd hold back for a change. Time can indeed fucking wait."

In live news, Napalm Death has the following shows booked:


18 - Coventry, UK
20 - Reading, UK


14 - Walton On Trent, Der, UK

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