JOE STUMP - "GARY MOORE Had A Tremendous Impact And Influence On My Playing"

February 13, 2011, 13 years ago

news joe stump riff notes gary moore

Guitar shredder JOE STUMP (HOLYHELL, REIGN OF TERROR) has issued the following update:

"For the last few months I’ve been locked in my work room at home crafting and demoing the material for my next solo album. No title just yet, but this one’s shaping up to be a bit more technical and classically influenced than Virtuostic Vendetta. But there’ll still be a few retro HENDRIX/BLACKMORE/GARY MOORE inspired tracks mixed in as well.

HOLYHELL will be playing its first run of shows in the States in quite some time, starting at the beginning of March, so of course I’m really looking forward getting back out there with the band and doing some damage.

On a far different note, I’m deeply saddened about the tragic death of one of my all-time heroes, Gary Moore. Gary had a tremendous impact and influence on my playing. He’s someone I’ve been listening to since the early '80’s, and still listen to on a regular basis to this day. To me he combined all of the elements that make hard rock guitar great - killer technique, great emotionally drenched melodic playing, and a massive tone in his hands. I remember hearing 'White Knuckles' on a metal radio show almost 30 years ago and being blown away. I love both his power blues era material as well as his 80’s period hard rock and metal stuff. I learned every solo on Corridors of Power, Victims Of The Future, and We Want Moore, as well as many other solos from a bunch of his other recordings. I will have some type of Gary Moore tribute style track on my upcoming solo record. A more recent example of Gary’s influence on my playing would be the track The Beacon on Virtuostic Vendetta. It is just a tremendous loss for the music and guitar community."

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