PAT TRAVERS - "I Have A New Album That I Am Working On And We Will Have A Slew Of New Downloads That Will Be Available"

February 23, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard pat travers

Blues/rock guitar legend PAT TRAVERS is featured in a new interview with Classic Rock Revisited founder Jeb Wright. An excerpt is available below.

Jeb: One of the challenges is finding the Pat Travers fans that are out there and letting them know what is going on.

Pat: "Exactly, it is called coalescing your fan base. My web guru that I have made me a list of five things that I had to do and number one was coalescing my fan base. I got really involved on Facebook and we have over thirteen thousand people that like us. Before that I had zero. I have done all of these things and they’re starting to pay off. The best thing is that I am in charge and I can do things on my time. The new song was done in under an hour."

Jeb: I saw you at Moondance Jam last year and you’re current band is the best you have had since the glory days. The future is looking brighter for Pat Travers than it did even ten years ago.

Pat: "I was like a lot of people, I was used to hard work and slugging it out and doing whatever it took to get it done. That didn’t seem to work anymore. It wasn’t until Monica, my wife, put up a Facebook page for me, just over a year ago, that things started changing. We got up to a couple of hundred friends and she was pretending to be me as I stood over her shoulder. Finally, one day I just got on there and started putting up funny, oblique nonsense up there. I was just curious to find out what the responses would be. Initially, people were going, “This isn’t Pat Travers” but it was. Now people know it is really me. I don’t even have to tell them anymore because the other people on Facebook let them know it is really me and that is really cool."

Jeb: How is the band doing?

Pat: "Our band has been through the ringer. We have gone into some bad situations with our heads held high and came out looking good. We’ve had a lot of willpower. I think a lot of others would have given up where we kept going. This is really true of the Fidelis album that we recorded in the summer of 2008. The record company kind of fell apart and the money stopped flowing. It was scary because it was one of the best albums we had ever done. To see that it was not going to happen was really disappointing. We got it together and we used Sean Shannon’s recording studio, RedRoom, to finish all the overdubs. One song was re-recorded completely there. We got it done and it does exist and you can order it on and you can download it on iTunes.

I think you can get it from the record label called Alexus; I have had a falling out with them. If you go to them then I think you can get a copy of the finished product. I don’t know what his intentions are and it really sucks how they have handled it because it is a really good album. We have some at shows that people can buy as well. If you order it from Amazon then you don’t get the liner notes. I am thinking of putting the liner notes up on my site so people can download them from there. That is the best I can do for now.

I have a new album that I am working on and we will have a slew of new downloads that will be available from iTunes. This stuff may not even go on an album; it is stuff that is different. It is stuff that gets recorded but never gets listened to unless you are my wife. If it doesn’t get put on an album then it just sits and why it didn’t get finished I don’t know but some of this stuff is really good. That will also be available for the fan club. We are also putting up board mixes from some of the shows because we found there are a lot of people who like that sort of thing. I also forgot to mention that if you become a Hammerhead then you can actually ask me questions and I will personally answer them. You just send the message to me and I will respond if you’re in the fan club."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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