ACCEPT Guitarist Wolf Hoffmann On Udo Dirkschneider - "He Talks A Lot Of Shit About Us In Interviews But We Don't Care; We Don't Want To Stoop That Low"

February 24, 2011, 13 years ago

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ACCEPT guitarist Wolf Hoffmann is featured in a new interview with An excerpt is available below.

Q: Blood Of The Nations is your first real album since Predator fourteen years ago and it's been a while since the first album in 1979. How do you think you have evolved in your writing since those early days?

Hoffmann: "I think I write more mature, I am of course older now. But I am old school and I'm writing the same way that I have done since I started to write."

Q: I understand that you were very disappointed when Udo Dirkschneider wasn't interested in joining Accept on a permanent basis?

Hoffmann: "Yes!"

Q: How is your relationship with him?

Hoffmann: "Non-existing. We don't talk at all. He decided not to follow the road that the rest of us did. He didn't think that we were able to write any good songs anymore. Hell, I wrote all the hits he still plays with U.D.O. He didn't wrote any of them, I did! He talks a lot of shit about us in interviews but we don't care. Why should we? We don't want to stoop that low, to throw shit back and forward. We have moved on and made a better album than we ever could do with Udo. And we got good reviews didn't we? "Blood Of The Nations" was voted "the best metal-album of the year" last year. I think that says it all, don't you?

Click here for the complete interview.

Accept recently confirmed three more shows for Germany. They are as follows:


4 - Columbia Club - Berlin, Germany
5 - Aladin - Bremen, Germany
7 - Zeche - Bochum, Germany

As previously reported, Accept recently confirmed three shows in Canada in support of their 2010 album, Blood Of The Nations (Nuclear Blast). The release is the first new Accept album since 1996. All confirmed Canadian tour dates are listed below:


17 - Club Soda - Montreal, QC
18 - Imperial De Quebec - Quebec City, QC
20 - Mod Club - Toronto, ON

Go to this location for the band's complete tour schedule.

Released in North America on September 14th, Blood Of The Nations"was recorded at Backstage Studio in Derbyshire, England with acclaimed British producer and SABBAT guitarist Andy Sneap (MEGADETH, EXODUS, ARCH ENEMY). The CD marks the recording debut of the band's latest addition, vocalist Mark Tornillo (ex-TT QUICK).

Blood Of The Nations topped many year end critics lists for 2010. BW&BK; named it the #1 metal album of 2010 in our year end poll, stating that the album "took the band back to the glory years". Check out the list at this location.

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