LAMB OF GOD Drummer Chris Adler - "Being A Musician Or Artist, It's An Endless Quest; You're Always Inspired By New Things"

March 1, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news lamb of god

LAMB OF GOD drummer Chris Adler is featured in a new interview with Chad Bowar at An excerpt is available below.

Q: What can attendees of your upcoming drum clinic tour expect?

Adler: "I've done a couple of drum clinics and found them interesting. I always learned something and felt inspired by everyone that I've seen. That is my goal, to inspire people. I'm doing it slightly differently in that I'm not much of a clinician. I'm certainly going to be sharing tips and ideas. I'm going to play 8 or 9 Lamb Of God songs to show what it is that I do. I really want to share my experiences, not in a clinical or technical sense. I want to share what it's been like to get to where we are, the things we've been through and things we've had to deal with, the choices we've made and things we've had to leave behind, share the experience of that."

"Nobody's really asked me how to play faster, but a lot of people ask me if it's tough to be on the road when you have a family or what's it like in China. If somebody coming to one of these things wants to at some point to do what I'm doing, I want to share certain experiences and what it would take for them to have the same opportunity, as opposed to just the technical aspect of it. In doing that, I hope to inspire people in the same way that the clinics I've been to have."

Q: At this point in your drumming career, are you still learning new things, or is it a matter of polishing and perfecting the things you've already learned?

Adler: "That's a really good question. There are an infinite amount of things I don't know and will probably never know. But I am still trying, and I am still interested in learning. I recently got into tablature books and am playing along with different guys, feeling different styles and trying to bring more of that in my playing. Being a musician or artist it's an endless quest. You're always inspired by new things, and I always want to continue to grow. If that stops, then there is no point in continuing. Stagnation is the last thing I want. I always want to challenge myself and make it better the next time I try."

Click here for the complete interview.

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