MOTLEY CRUE's Nikki Sixx On New Photography Book - "What’s Off Limits To Me Is Nudity Of A Woman From The Waist Down"

March 30, 2011, 13 years ago

motley crue news rock hard

Guitar International’s Rob Cavuoto recently conducted an interview with MOTLEY CRUE/SIXX A.M's NIKKI SIXX recently. In the interview, Sixx talks about his new book and companion CD, This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography And Life Through the Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx. Excerpts from the interview are below:

Guitar International: Has there ever been a subject that was off limits to you? The reason I ask is in the book you have a shot of just a man’s legs and it is entitled The End. Is the guy dead or alive? Are dead people off limits?

Nikki Sixx: “No, dead people are not off limits. What’s off limits to me is nudity of a woman from the waist down. The pictures that are a re-enactment of my sister Lisa, the models were nude and it was hard for me framing so I had to make the models turn a certain way.

Not because I was worried about censorship. I just don’t like see a woman’s pussy in the photo. I’m ok with amputations, disfigurement, nudity, transgender and death. But I’m just not ok with that. I don’t think it belongs in photograph. Funny coming from a guy in a band!”

Guitar International: What do you say to the people who look at your photography and say that you’re exploiting handicapped people?

Nikki Sixx: “Hmm, I haven’t heard one yet. I think the idea is to show people going through adversity to people who have not ever experience it. People who either A) can’t understand, B) don’t wanna understand or C) don’t think they can handle. We should be grateful for our lives. Would we be grateful if we were confined to a wheelchair or lost our sight? Would we be grateful if we were doused with battery acid or lost our arms or legs? That’s what I’m trying to show people.”

Guitar International: In the book you seem like you have a new lease on life and a positive attitude, yet the songs on the CD are a little dark and forbearing. Was there a reason for this?

Nikki Sixx: “The book is me and the CD is us (Sixx A.M.). It’s an interpretation of the photography by me and then how it reflects on James and DJ in their experiences both musically and lyrically. James and I wrote all the lyrics and we spent a lot of time talking about life, things that we’ve both been through in life. That we both felt like outcasts at some points in our lives, the concept of being successful and always being told that you won’t be, couldn’t be and shouldn’t be successful. Those life struggles come out in the music, as well as relationships with, fathers, mothers, girlfriends, wives, family. It’s really a life experience CD as well.”

Read the entire interview here.

This Is Gonna Hurt: The Documentaries from Nikki Sixx and Sixx:A.M. have debuted on Hulu and the Hulu Plus subscription service in the US and are now on demand for the week until next Tuesday, when Episode three premieres. The documentaries introduce the upcoming This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography And Life Through The Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx, a follow up to Sixx's New York Times bestseller, The Heroin Diaries and the CD of the same name by Sixx:A.M.. This is Gonna Hurt the book will be released April 12th via William Morrow and This Is Gonna Hurt the CD will be released May 3rd via Eleven Seven Music.

Check out the first two documentaries here (restricted to some territories - Canadian residents can check part one out here).

The documentaries on Hulu spotlight Sixx’s genesis and inspiration of creating the photos, book and album and how they're all connected. Showcasing Sixx:A.M.’s music and book imagery, Sixx and his Sixx:A.M. bandmates James Michael and Dj Ashba introduce featured subjects from the photographs and inspiration for the project. This is Gonna Hurt as a book and CD soundtrack are a commentary on beauty and how we as a society view it, and features character studies highlighted in the documentaries on those who society has labeled and alienated for their physical attributes -- a woman who can’t grow, a man over seven feet tall, an obese woman showing herself naked to Nikki’s lens to underscore real beauty.

Sixx and Sixx:A.M. chose Hulu as the destination for the release of these very personal vignettes because of the service’s commitment to quality as well as its enormous reach. Hulu offers the viewer a comprehensive user experience and the next step in moving content into all the places where fans watch content – on their computers, mobiles phones, and TVs. Sixx is an active twitter and Facebook user, consistently corresponding with his fans as well as debating issues directly through engagement with other users.

To follow Nikki on Facebook, click here.

To follow Nikki on Twitter click here.

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