LADYJACK Vocalist Rick Stitch On Leaving ADLER'S APPETITE - "It's Unfortunate The Way Some People Are Handling Things"

April 2, 2011, 13 years ago

news appetite rock hard adler ladyjack

After LADYJACK vocalist Rick Stitch announced his departure from ADLER'S APPETITE - the band helmed by former GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven Adler - Adler voiced his displeasure over the split with several derogatory comments aimed directly at Stitch and his guitarist in Ladyjack, Robo - who replaced the departed Alex Grossi on Adler's Appetite's recent European tour.

Now, rather than continue the mud-slinging, Stitch has issued the following statement exclusively to scribe Aaron Small:

"I only wish a further statement from me on this matter was unnecessary, but it's unfortunate the way some people are handling things. With every relationship that ends, be it personal, professional or both, those involved have different ways of dealing with it. I simply chose to move forward and concentrate all of my efforts on a positive situation where I can be creatively embraced and be myself, rather than force myself to perform within the parameters of other's ideas. No one would win if I continued on as I was, not Steven, not myself and certainly not the fans.

Robo and I have a musical chemistry that you don't see every day. Yes, I can write music on my own as can Robo, but when we put it together we have something that I wasn't willing to lose by continuing on with Adler's Appetite. I learned a lot during my time with Steven and am very grateful for the experience. The sad reality is that I simply can't be in two places at once, so I felt I had no choice but to go with my heart. As I didn't want to put Steven and the guys in a bind, I chose to give Steven the news when he had no immediate tour dates scheduled, as I didn't want the guys to have to cancel any shows. The band has plenty of time to find a replacement, as I have no doubt they will. Adler's Appetite will go out there this summer and kick some ass. I wish them nothing but the best.

As for Ladyjack, we just announced our upcoming April 22nd show at the Viper Room in Hollywood, CA. We will be hitting the stage at 11pm and you can pick up our debut release at the show. For those of you that can't be there, you can order our CD from our official website at or download it from iTunes. We are looking forward to a US tour in the summer, as well as a European tour for the fall in support of our record. Dates will be announced shortly. Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @ladyjackmusic for the most up to date information.

At the end of the day I think Keith Richards said it best, "Everyone talks about rock these days; the problem is they forget about the roll."

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