THRAWSUNBLAT Featuring WOODS OF YPRES Frontman Selling Canada 2010 Demo Via iTunes

April 3, 2011, 13 years ago

woods of ypres news life in black thrawsunblat

WOODS OF YPRES frontman / founder David Gold has cecked in with the following update:

"The black & folk metal project featuring Joel Violette and I, THRAWSUNBLAT's Canada 2010 demo, is now available on iTunes. Get all eight tracks for just $7.92 and help us fund the next Thrawsunblat THRAWSUNBLAT recording. Check it out here ."

The demo tracklist is as follows:

'Black Sky'

'Set Us Ablaze'

'Misted Shores'

'Slake the Earth'

'Through the Ice'

'Fire Still Burns'

'She, Arboreal'


Gold recently discussed the writing process for Woods Of Ypres 4: The Green Album. Check out Part 2 of the overview below:

"A year from the day I arrived back in Canada, July 2009, we were in the studio with a new band, two tours already behind us, and we were recording W4: The Green Album. By the fall and another tour later, we were signed to Earache Records. Now, March 2011, The Green Album gets a worldwide release, less than two years since we started writing it and less than four years since I first said 'fuck it all' and moved to Seoul. What can I say? The plan? It was just so crazy that it worked!

"The Green Album was certainly the only album I knew how to write as it was the only thing still preoccupying what was left of my heart and brain at the time and I'm thankful that something good could come of it all, after all. The 16 songs of the album tell the story through the stages of such a journey that inevitably gets a whole lot worse before it gets any better. What starts with total life-changing devastation ends with the arrival of spring again and the promise of summer. If nothing else at all, at the time, it was enough.

"W4: The Green Album was certainly an inspired creation and has more reason to exist than anything else we'd ever written to date. It wasn't just more music for music's sake, but literally life and death, to me. That album is honest, about something real and based on true events. At nearly 80 minutes of music ranging from gothic doom, post-rock, sludge, prog and forest metal, listen, take what you like and leave the rest.

"These have been a rather painful four years for a lot of people. If you've recently felt your world shift and experienced change against your will, you'll likely relate to W4: The Green Album. Four years later, acceptance is hope for the rest of the journey, for we've found that the journey does continue after all. Grieve the loss of everything you once loved but always keep moving forward. Drag that weight!""

Read Part 1 at this location.

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